Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Passion vesus Pay (Compensation)

I believe we should always strive to do work that we are passionate about.  However, when we talk about following our passion and doing work that is inline with our, we immediately ask the question "what about pay and compensation?" We may be very passionate about what we do but it doesn't pay very well or pay at all.    Do we forgo pay and chase our passions? The reverse of this is where we are paid well, yet what we do does not align with our passions but we also need to make sure our kids or parents are cared for. Is it right to then neglect our responsibilities of caring for our families, or rack up lots of debt in order to fulfill our passion?  We should do whatever it takes to fulfill our passion, right?  I think the answer in fact lies somewhere in between–in other words, balance.  

Bill Hybels, founding and senior pastor of Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington Illinois writes in his book  Simplify: Ten Practices to Unclutter Your Soul (paraphrasing Paul the Apostle 1 Tim 5:8) "Put passion aside if you must (at least for a season), and put food on the table.  If you're called to provide, you must provide, even if you cannot do so in your area of passion.  That's your first priority." (102)

Hybels has a wonderful summary (107):

Low Pay + High Passion = Supplement Your Income.

  • If we are passionate about what we do but it doesn't pay well, we may need to find other part-time work in order to continue doing what you do.
High Pay + Low Passion = Supplement Your Passion. 
  • You may be paid well, but you do less-enjoyable work.  Firstly, all work is God good in God's eyes and can glorify God.  Staying in your job also doesn't make you less faithful. You may choose to volunteer in work that is aligned with your passion.  You can still put food on the table, while pursue your passion.  

You don't have to sacrifice your passion neither does sacrificing pay make you more holy or faithful.  Be open and flexible.  Find ways to enjoy your job–rather, love your job.  Find ways to do work that is inline with God's calling for you–work that you are passionate about.  You are doing God's work in the world.

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